
SSM’s Aggressive R&D Investment plans by 2023- Spending Target 3% of Turkey’s GDP

Dr. Ata Şenlikçi Head of R&D and Technology Management Department, elaborates on plans to create a  Foundation for a new era of vitality in the field of R&D, developing a thriving Eco-System

Date: Issue 64 - November 2015

Defence Turkey: Dear Mr. Şenlikçi, first of all we would like to thank you for this interview. As the R&D and Technology Management Department, you have assumed a highly important responsibility in an area that supports the sector. Within the context of this new era launched with your leadership, what type of structuring have you accomplished within the units under your responsibility? What would you like to tell about the vision and strategies you have developed?

The R&D and Technology Management Department of the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) has made great contributions to our sector with its efforts and studies in both identifying vision and strategies and in project specification and execution and is considered as one of the most significant players of the defence R&D eco-system. In the future, it will continue such contributions as it continues to update its structure in accordance with the changing technological and social conditions and to stay up to date and progressive with times and with its dynamism essential for the R&D studies.