
ASELBUOY: Turkey’s National Sonobuoy

Tarih: Issue 80 - March 2018

Since beginning to work on underwater acoustic systems in 2006, Aselsan has made significant investments in this area, developing various national systems such as the HIZIR Torpedo Countermeasure System for Surface Ships, the ZARGANA Submarine Torpedo Countermeasure System, the ZOKA Decoy Family, the KULAÇ Echosounder System, and the ASİST Intercept Sonar System. As one of the latest steps in its underwater acoustics road map, Aselsan kicked off a self-financed development project and started working on developing the first national sonobuoy in late 2015.

Used for various purposes like anti-submarine warfare, search and rescue and underwater acoustic research, sonobuoys are expendable sonar systems that can be dropped or launched from aircrafts and surface ships alike. Initially developed during World War II in order to detect submarine threats from the air, sonobuoys effectively combine radio communication and underwater acoustic domains, emerging as cost-effective underwater target detection systems for aircrafts.