
Turkish Defense Industry’s New Force – Katmerciler

Providing innovative and powerful solutions to the Turkish Armed Forces and the National Police that have been struggling against the terrorism, Katmerciler is now the focus of the international defense sector as well.

Tarih: Issue 72 - March 2017

Turkey has been conducting a successful battle against the terrorist organizations both in the intrastate and abroad for a long while with its highly experienced army and police force. All the vehicles entering into the inventory of the Turkish Army, which is in the meantime the second greatest army of the NATO, are recognized as vehicles qualified in international scale as well.

Some of the vehicles which are recently at the agenda of the Turkish Armed Forces and Law Enforcement agency belong to Katmerciler that is on its way of becoming the new force of the Turkish Defense Industry. Drawing the attention with its innovative products towards defense and security sectors, Katmerciler achieves to draw the interest of the international sector at the defense events with its wide product range towards the industry.