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Aselsan`s GÜRZ Air and Missile Defense System Debut at WDS

ASELSAN are exhibiting cutting-edge products at World Defense Show, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from 04 – 08 February 2024.

Date: February 07, 2024 Update: October 22, 2024

The company points out its Air and Missile Defense System GÜRZ which will be part of particular interest. In order to fulfill its clients’ requirements, the company designed and developed several air defense systems and at World Defense Show this year, GÜRZ makes its debut abroad. GÜRZ is a Multi-Purpose Short/Very Short Range, Autonomous, Air and Missile Defense System. GÜRZ System mission is to provide layered air and missile defense for stationary/moving forces and high value assets against, all UAVs from micro mini to class 5, helicopters, fighter aircrafts, cruise missiles, mini guided bombs and air-to-ground missiles. 

This autonomous system can operate on its own and more importantly to mention is that it is an “All in One” Layered Air and Missile Defense System which can intercept different targets at the same time. One of the key operational concepts of GÜRZ System is to perform an effective air and missile defense task alongside mobile units and in the transport of valuable elements. Moreover, it is to remark that the system exhibits effective air and missile defense against low-cost targets such as kamikaze drones.  

Maintaining the military security, GÜRZ features to work in a squadron of three GÜRZ systems, one of which takes the role of squadron master. The squadron will communicate via radio in this configuration. The system can connect (via radio) to higher echelon C2 while operating on its own or in a squadron. This multi-purpose system does not need any leveling system for firing hence it has the ability to utilize Fired-On-The-Move. 

This Multi-Purpose Autonomous Air and Missile Defense System uses following solutions:

  • Sensors:  search radar, tracking radar, EO for active and passive target detection, identification, classification and tracking
  • Effectors: V-SHORAD&SHORAD missiles and  ATOM® Air-Burst and HEI(-T) Munition and RF Countermeasure system
  • Fire control and command control subsystems for optimized multi-layered air and missile defense
  • Other subsystems for effective functionality of the overall system

Beyond the array of several UAV payloads, ASELSAN has also expanded its portfolio in this activity area to serve better to its users by providing operational advantage and being future-proof against emerging challenges. ASELSAN offers state-of-the art Electro Optics systems for the use of Unmanned Systems. At World Defense Show this year the company exhibits its new generation, high performance 15-inch electro-optic system ASELFLIR-500. This system includes HD thermal camera, 8 mp day tv camera, HD SWIR camera, laser range finder and designator, laser pointer and illuminator, and laser spot tracker. ASELFLIR-500 is designed for MALE (i.e. TB-2, ANKA-S) & HALE (i.e. Akıncı, Aksungur) class UAVs, fixed wing platforms (i.e. Hürkuş, Meltem), and rotary wing platforms.  

Another important system ASELSAN showcases at World Defense Show is Mini EW POD. Mini EW POD is an Electronic Attack System that can be easily integrated into unmanned aerial vehicles with its small size and low weight, and has the ability to apply various jamming techniques. The system provides stand-in jamming, escort jamming, self-protection features for UAVs.