
Karayel the First National Unmanned Air Vehicle of Vestel Defence Displayed at IDEF for the First Time

Zorlu Holding’s CEO Ömer Yüngül: “Turkey shall be amongst the top 3 countries in the World that manufactures unmanned air vehicles”

Date: Issue 45 - August 2013

Zorlu Group participated in the International Defence Industry Fair IDEF 2013 with its affiliated Defence industry companies Vestel Defence and AYESAŞ. Vestel Defence displayed the first national tactical unmanned air vehicle Karayel and training aircraft “Bora” that is also known as the junior of Karayel at IDEF before delivering them to the Turkish Armed Forces. In his speech at the introductory meeting, Zorlu Holding’s CEO Ömer Yüngül expressed that Turkey would become one of the top three countries of the World in unmanned air vehicles and said that “United States of America, Israel and Turkey. It may sound highly challenging though we shall determine this goal smoothly considering the talks we made”.

 “Entire Software of the Vehicle is Local”