

GEO Spatial In

Date: Issue 11 - June 2008

With the collateral materials such as maps, digital terrain models, orthophotos etc., information and intelligence, and real time imagery data can be compiled into special imagery products (mosaics, orthophotos, etc.) and intelligence reports (containing annotated imagery, findings, collateral materials, video clips with related metadata) for the decision makers. For national security policy makers, armed forces, and homeland security authorities, this capability provides screening and locating activities and events on specific areas and interpreting the occurring events with the help of geospatial imagery and collateral material context..
In order to obtain advantages of geospatial imagery intelligence, MilSOFT provides; sensor data reception and processing, streaming and screening, and exploitation capabilities. These technical capabilities will be operational in Turkish UAV - Transportable Image Exploitation System (TIES) and Remote Video Terminals (RVT).
MilSOFT’s capabilities in image processing area is about to be fielded in TIES and RVT which has NATO STANAG Compatible interfaces provided for Turkish UAVs, with the following capabilities.
• Data Receiving
• Data Streaming and Screening
• Data Processing and Exploitation
• Image Processing
• Target Detection
• GMTI Target Tracking
• Imagery Products
• Reporting, Image Annotation and Finding Management
• Image import and export capabilities for collateral material and data
• Spatio-temporal data (video, image, GMTI data, reports, etc.) browser.