
Prof. Hüseyin Nafiz ALEMDAROĞLU Reveived the Most Prestigious “The Von Karman” Scientific Award of NATO

Date: Issue 86 - November 2018

Prof. Hüseyin Nafiz ALEMDAROĞLU received the most prestigious Scientific award of NATO, The Von Karman medal, on 19 September 2018. The award ceremony took place in Edinburg UK, in conjunction with the NATO Science and Technology Board, STB, meeting during 18-20 September. 

Prof. ALEMDAROĞLU is the first in Turkey to receive this award. The Von Karman medal award is dedicated to honor the well-known aerodynamicist Von Karman who established the AGARD, the Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development, which in turned evolved into RTO, Research and Technology Organization and then into STO, Science and Technology Organization. Prof. ALEMDAROĞLU worked actively in all three organizations and contributed significantly to the scientific activities in these organization.