Tarih: Issue 62 - June 2015
A contract signing ceremony for five new advanced research projects under the SAYP programme of SSM (Undersecretariat for Defense Industries), held at the “12th International Defence Industry Fair” (IDEF 2015). SAYP programme aims the development of researchers for the defence industry under the context of agreements signed in between SSM, Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) and Gazi University. Projects for which a signing ceremony held as follows; Improving the quality of implementation of the aerospace products by augmented reality technology, Development and analysis of the performance of heat pipe with specifications of axial corrugated and fixed conductivity to be used in the space, Effect of errors on mechanical properties and interlaminar performance of composite materials, Artificial muscles (dielectric elastomer) actuators modelling and application, Determining the design criteria and progressive failure analysis of composite structures for repair regions.
These new advanced research projects not only aim to build up and provide skilled human resources, but also provide the required scientific knowledge, new technologies and advancing the industrial applicability levels of these advanced topics.