
Anti-Ship Cruise Missile Systems

ROKETSAN Naval & Cruise Missile Systems Manager Dr. Yiğit Koray GENÇ

Tarih: Issue 115 - August 2022

This article is based on the presentations of ROKETSAN Naval & Cruise Missile Systems Manager Dr. Yiğit Koray GENÇ at the 10th Naval Systems Seminar held in Ankara on November 15-16, 2021, and the 9th Air and Avionic Systems Seminar held in Ankara on June 2-3, 2022.

“Cruise missiles are guided systems that sustain flight by using aerodynamic lift over most of their flight path and thus can reach extended ranges. In other words, they fly with the "lift force" generated by their wings, just like airplanes. They also feature a propulsion system. Cruise missiles are equipped with multiple advanced navigation systems enabling them to follow a preprogrammed path and altitude determined before firing. In other words, you can plan waypoints on the map for the cruise missile to pass through until it reaches its target before launching the missile. Cruise missiles also can carry large warheads. The fact that they use aerodynamic lift force is a plus in this sense. They can navigate over long distances. One of the most important features of cruise missiles is that they can cruise at low altitudes. The main reason for flying at low altitudes is not to be captured by the radars. By using the topographic elevation changes and remaining outside the detection range, it can bypass certain areas, and thus its detection can be avoided with your mission planning. If you make an appropriate route and altitude plan, enemy elements will not be able to detect them easily. Therefore, such systems are quite difficult to detect and defend against.