
The Key Role of Field Hospitals in the Fight Against COVID-19

Tarih: Issue 99 - June 2020

The Novel Type Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19), that first broke out in Wuhan/China in the last quarter of 2019, leading to 4,525,497 confirmed cases/patients and 307,395 deaths as of May 17, 2020 in 179 countries, spreading outside of China in a very short period of time, has deeply influenced social life and caused a series of changes in every field both in the world and in our country from production to consumption, from international relations to education, from transportation to entertainment, from worshipping to sports activities.

The fight against COVID-19 has forced us into an unprecedented predicament of mandatory social isolation, and we now frequently hear about Field Hospitals. A Field Hospital is a small mobile medical unit or mini hospital that temporarily takes care of patients and people affected by calamity or natural disasters on-site before they are transferred safely to permanent healthcare facilities. Large areas outside residential areas are generally preferred locations for Field Hospitals, which are established in the aftermath of disasters to provide safe and quick healthcare services to disaster victims.