
Turkish Basic Trainer Aircraft Hürkuş Accomplishes the Maiden Flight

Tarih: Issue 47 - November 2013

Turkish Basic Trainer Aircraft “Hürkuş”, designed by TAI engineers in order to meet the demand of the Air Forces Command’s requirements for trainer aircrafts, accomplished its first flight 13 months after the roll-out. A total of four prototypes have been manufactured within the scope of the Project and the prototypes shall go through structural tests composed of two flight and two static ground tests. As the static resistance, cabin pressure and vibration tests were accomplished and reported successfully and with the permission granted by the General Directorate of Civil Aviation (SHGM) in August before the maiden flight, Hürkuş’ Accelaration tests on the ground have been launched. 

During the tests performed at the Akıncı Air Base in Ankara, Hürkuş’  taxi in the runway, wheel steering, right-left drafts, braking lags and Acceleration tests were performed both in windy and still weather. Following the control of such phases and confirmation of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and SHGM, Hürkuş was given permission for the maiden flight. After the determination of appropriate weather conditions, altitude and speed limits, “Hürkuş” realized its maiden flight on 29th August.